Our decades of experience and industry knowledge position us to work effectively with your business leaders and in-house counsel to target and implement solutions for the full range of business challenges.
Our clients include closely held and publicly traded companies, as well as family-controlled businesses and partnerships ranging from smaller businesses, new ventures and start-ups, to mid-market and Fortune 100 players, which operate locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
We bring this platform of deep experience to every project which enables us to provide practical, value-driven and creative solutions for a broad range of your needs including acquisitions and divestitures; strategic joint ventures; corporate governance and regulatory compliance; business formation and succession planning; commercial transactions within the supply chain; financing and capital raising for growth and expansion; development and protection of IP; key management and employee retention; privacy and cybersecurity; and many others.
In Chambers USA 2024, this group has been recognized for its excellence based on Chambers' independent research from clients and peers, receiving its top ranking for Nebraska law firms. Five of our group's Shareholders were also individually recognized by Chambers for their excellence. Read more here. In the U.S. News - Best Lawyers 2025® Edition of "Best Law firms", this group received multiple top tier Omaha market rankings for Omaha law firms.
To learn more about specific Business and Corporate practice segments, please select the appropriate link below.
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation
- Aviation
- Business Formation and Planning
- Business Succession, Exit and Shareholder Planning
- Capital Markets and Securities Transactions
- Commercial Contracts and Transactions
- Commodity Transactions
- Corporate Finance and Lending
- Employee Benefits and ERISA
- Energy
- Executive Compensation
- Food and Dietary Supplement Law
- Franchising
- Insolvency, Restructuring and Bankruptcy
- Insurance
- International Business
- Marketing and Advertising
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Privacy and Cybersecurity
- Private Equity, Hedge Funds and Venture Capital
- Professional Responsibility and Ethics
- Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance
- UCC and Secured Transactions
Jason D. Benson
Attorney, Chair, Banking and Commercial Financial Services GroupPhone (402) 633-6864jbenson@mcgrathnorth.com
Austin C. Bradley
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6880abradley@mcgrathnorth.com
Clint D. Cadwallader
Chair, Intellectual Property Group, Co-Chair, Business and Corporate GroupPhone
(402) 633-6870ccadwallader@mcgrathnorth.com
Micah Q. Carlson
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1444mcarlson@mcgrathnorth.com
Steven P. Case
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1479scase@mcgrathnorth.com
Ronald L. Comes
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1411rcomes@mcgrathnorth.com
Matthew A. Criswell
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1490mcriswell@mcgrathnorth.com
Robert G. Dailey
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6899rdailey@mcgrathnorth.com
Robert P. Diederich
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9561rdiederich@mcgrathnorth.com
Mark F. Enenbach
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9570menenbach@mcgrathnorth.com
Michael T. Eversden
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6871meversden@mcgrathnorth.com
Courtney E. Foltz
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9572cfoltz@mcgrathnorth.com
James J. Frost
Of CounselPhone (402) 341-3070jfrost@mcgrathnorth.com
Jonathan L. Grob
(402) 633-9560jgrob@mcgrathnorth.com
Lee H. Hamann
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1423lhamann@mcgrathnorth.com
William F. Hargens
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1474whargens@mcgrathnorth.com
Jeanne J. Kelley
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9590jkelley@mcgrathnorth.com
Tom Kelley
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9549tkelley@mcgrathnorth.com
Peter C. Langdon
Chair, Employee Benefits GroupPhone
(402) 633-1425plangdon@mcgrathnorth.com
Guy Lawson
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1402glawson@mcgrathnorth.com
Neil A. McCarthy
AttorneyPhone (402) 341-3070nmccarthy@mcgrathnorth.com
Thomas C. McGowan
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1473tmcgowan@mcgrathnorth.com
Brian T. McKernan
Co-Chair, Litigation and Dispute Resolution GroupPhone
(402) 633-6896bmckernan@mcgrathnorth.com
Katherine A. McNamara
Attorney, Co-Chair, Litigation and Dispute Resolution GroupPhone (402) 633-1523kmcnamara@mcgrathnorth.com
Rachel C. Meyer
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6882rmeyer@mcgrathnorth.com
Sarah J. Moore
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6895smoore@mcgrathnorth.com
Sandra D. Morar
AttorneyPhone (402) 341-3070smorar@mcgrathnorth.com
Matthew G. Munro
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6881mmunro@mcgrathnorth.com
Nicholas K. Niemann
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1489nniemann@mcgrathnorth.com
James J. Niemeier
AttorneyPhone (402) 341-3070jniemeier@mcgrathnorth.com
Matthew R. Ottemann
Attorney, Chair, Tax, Trusts and Estates GroupPhone (402) 633-9571mottemann@mcgrathnorth.com
Daniel C. Pape
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-9551dpape@mcgrathnorth.com
J. Scott Paul
AttorneyPhone (402) 341-3070spaul@mcgrathnorth.com
Jeffrey S. Penne
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1426jpenne@mcgrathnorth.com
Patrick D. Pepper
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6876ppepper@mcgrathnorth.com
Jeffrey J. Pirruccello
Of CounselPhone (402) 633-1432jpirruccello@mcgrathnorth.com
James G. Powers
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1480jpowers@mcgrathnorth.com
Douglas E. Quinn
AttorneyPhone (402) 341-3070dquinn@mcgrathnorth.com
Donald 'DJ' Rison
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1509drison@mcgrathnorth.com
David H. Roe
Of CounselPhone (402) 633-1407droe@mcgrathnorth.com
Stacey A. Shadden
Attorney, Co-Chair, Business and Corporate GroupPhone (402) 633-9591sshadden@mcgrathnorth.com
Patrick J. Straka
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1494pstraka@mcgrathnorth.com
Nicole L. Sultani
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1507nsultani@mcgrathnorth.com
James D. Wegner
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1465jwegner@mcgrathnorth.com
Roger W. Wells
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1453rwells@mcgrathnorth.com
Thomas M. Worthington
Of CounselPhone (402) 633-9554tworthington@mcgrathnorth.com