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We provide legal services to school districts and learning institutions including public and private universities and colleges, higher education associations, research facilities and teaching hospitals.

Educational institutions are challenged by a wide range of rapidly changing legal issues involving national, state and local laws and regulations across multiple jurisdictions. At McGrath North, we offer a wide selection of legal services specifically adapted to the education environment. Our interdisciplinary education law practice enables our clients to pursue their institutional missions and avoid pitfalls in the increasingly complex regulatory and legal environment. Our experienced attorneys practice preventive-law strategies to manage legal risk, but are prepared to defend our clients when litigation and other disputes are unavoidable. And by working closely with our clients’ in-house counsel and co-counsel, we are able to manage cost-effective, high-quality service.

Industry Experience: Drafting policies and procedures, labor negotiations, termination proceedings, complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and state administrative agencies, HR compliance and audits, government affairs, real estate and zoning disputes, institutional financing, teaching hospitals, student and faculty immigration visas and integration of foreign born students into the U.S. business environment, tenure and faculty contract issues, charitable and planned giving, institutional governance and consultation on wage and hour and tax issues.

If you are considering seeking advice from counsel, here is what we suggest you keep in mind:

  • Seek counsel that offers a breadth of experience in education law.
  • Insist on a law firm that offers a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach.
  • Require that your counsel communicate with you in a timely fashion.