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April 20, 2018

The Ins and Outs of Being a Corporate Secretary

Speaker: Rachel Meyer

Speaking Date:  Friday, April 20, 2018

Speaking Time: 8:30 – 9:30 am CST

Nebraska Paralegal Association
Spring Seminar
Mahoney State Park

A corporate secretary has a very complex role compared to the typical office administrative assistant. They are legally required by all states for every corporation. Although each corporation defines specific duties the secretary will perform in the bylaws, there are some general responsibilities that apply to all. The Corporate Secretary ensures the integrity of the governance framework, is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, ensures compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, and implements decisions made by the Board of Directors. This may include drafting and sending documents or notices, subsidiary management and governance, providing orientation, education, and training to new directors, and ensuring succession planning. Join us as we discuss the Ins and Outs of Being a Corporate Secretary and the role of the paralegal in this function.

Additional information can be found at this link: