Our clients expect that land use and zoning issues will be resolved quickly and economically without unforeseen restrictions or requirements.
Complicated zoning codes, coupled with potential opposition to projects by interested parties, can take what seems like a simple real estate development project and make it much more complicated. McGrath North’s land use and zoning attorneys are experienced in keeping real estate development projects on the critical path. We can assist you in the preparation and submission of required documentation, represent your interests before planning and zoning boards and other authorities, and help you obtain necessary project approvals. When faced with opposition, we have the experience to navigate the project to a successful outcome.
If you are considering seeking advice from counsel, here is what we suggest you keep in mind:
- Be thoroughly informed of the potential hurdles and expenses early in the process.
- Chose counsel who is familiar with the local zoning rules and regulations.
Patrick J. Bartman
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6856pbartman@mcgrathnorth.com
Jon E. Blumenthal
Attorney, Chair, Real Estate GroupPhone (402) 633-6855jblumenthal@mcgrathnorth.com
Ronald L. Comes
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1411rcomes@mcgrathnorth.com
Michael E. Cooley
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6875mcooley@mcgrathnorth.com
Robert G. Dailey
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6899rdailey@mcgrathnorth.com
Lee H. Hamann
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1423lhamann@mcgrathnorth.com
Katherine A. McNamara
Attorney, Co-Chair, Litigation and Dispute Resolution GroupPhone (402) 633-1523kmcnamara@mcgrathnorth.com
James G. Powers
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1480jpowers@mcgrathnorth.com
Alexander K. Shaner
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-6809ashaner@mcgrathnorth.com
Patrick J. Straka
AttorneyPhone (402) 633-1494pstraka@mcgrathnorth.com